Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Graduation day!!!

All year I have been writting a letter to Alec to try to express as a mom all the feelings of the milestones Alec has accomplished in his life. I first started doing this for his yearbook but then I felt it was way tooo personal to put in a yearbook that all his peers will read. I decided I would post a few on this blog to let him know how proud I am of him and all he has accomplished.

First he was born. I loved him from the first time I saw him he was so precious and so small and he was mine.

He accomplished walking at 9 months which was a little too soon because he was soon into everything.

Alec's next milestone was graduating from kindergarten. He had a cap for the ceramony he was so excited to graduate.

Next Alec was baptized at age 8. He had missionary discussions and decided to be baptized.

Alec then turned 12 and received the Aaronic preisthood.

Alec then started high school in whole new state and he always has done well in school. I have never had to ask him to do his homework at a very young age he took this responsibility on himself.

Alec was in band and football in high school he worked hard at both of these.

Alec then turned 16 and received his driving license. He also became a Priest.

Now we are to present day and Alec has graduated seminary and high school and has done really well. He is now preparing for an LDS mission.

No words can express how much I admire this young man. I may be his mom but I cannot take credit for all the good choices he has made. He has had many challenges that teenagers today would've easily took another road but he didn't. He has worked hard and continues to work hard every day. I feel honored to be his mom. I love him with all my heart and can't wait to see what the future holds for him.

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